Thursday, January 15, 2009

Civil war

Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with Maddie's 4th grade class. I am the "class mom" and "class photographer" so I "get" to go on all the field trips and be at all the class events. I was kinda looking forward to this trip, actually! UNTIL I found out that it is NOT the Civil war reenactment. I guess that happens on Saturday. I have always wanted to see that and photograph it, of course! I guess we are going to be walking though make shift camps of the yankees and will still be kinda cool. I will post some pics when we get back home. It is supposed to be freezing cold tomorrow...and Brookesville, where we are going, will be even colder! AND....the entire field trip will be outdoors! I will be sure to bundle us up!

I took the Zumba class again tonight! This time Maddie joined Brooke and me-but she said she will NEVER do that again! I think it was a little too challenging for her....she kept asking "how many more songs?!". I warned her that it was gonna be tough-NOW, she believes me! I really have fun in that class! It is just a great way to "let loose" and have fun while working out! I have to modify a little on the last song (there is some bending) and I try to to "jar" my back too much while I am dancing! I think that it is ok, because I did not feel any additional pain after last week's class. I am just trying to learn what I can and can not do-since my back surgery. I really feel great....most of the time, but bending still bothers me pretty badly.
Well, Brett is typing out his sermon notes on the other computer-he's preaching on Sunday morning. I think I am going to turn in early tonight-I want to make it to the gym before we have to be at the school that means waking up at 5:55 am! :( I really have enjoyed being back at a gym. I know most people say they hate to exercise but I truly have learned to love it! BTW-my "no diet" diet has been working well! I have only lost 3 lbs but I have managed to keep my sanity-lol!!! I seriously have not counted a single calorie, carb, fat gram or point and it has been liberating! How are all my other "no diet" diet buddies doing?

I plan on trying to get the deals for Publix this week posted tomorrow afternoon. I realized that my shopping day is the last day for Publix ad (wed) so I want to get it to you all early-so you can take advantage of the great deals too! I will also try to post CVS and Walgreen's ads on Saturday night-so you guys get a "head start" on the rest of the world!!

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