Friday, June 20, 2008

Girlfriend time

Tonight Karen and I went to dinner, to Citrus Park Mall (and yes! Starbucks)and a movie-things have been so crazy that we have hardly had any time to spend together. Last GNO-her son locked himself, along with her husband and daughter, out of the house WHILE the stove was on-so she had to leave before dinner to go open the door. Next week is our scheduled GNO and I am going to be out of town, so we took tonight off to spend some time together. Thankfully, both of our husbands are awesome about letting us have time together! Brett told us both, while we were driving out of my drive way, "have fun, you guys deserve it". Sweet-I wish all husbands understood the importance of "girlfriend time"! We had a great time! After dinner we had almost 2 hours before the movie started so there was plenty of time to have some "chick chat"! I am thankful for such an amazing "sister"! Thanks Karen! BTW-I was right and you were wrong girlfriend! nana nana boo boo!! :) (just in case you have not checked your email yet!)

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