Friday, April 11, 2008

God's goodness

If you have read previous blogs you are aware that we have been going through some struggles in my health and in our finances. What I have yet to blog about is another struggle we have been having with our oldest daughter, Brooke. Thankfully,God has blessed all of our children with "wisdom beyond their years" (what Brett prays over them every morning) and they all excel in school but when Brooke was getting ready to start middle school her 5th grade teacher requested that we have her tested for the "gifted" program (our elementary school does not have this program). She took the test over the summer and she got into the program, I was so relieved because I figured that it would mean that she would be in school with "good" kids who are serious about their school work ( I was terrified over putting her into public middle school). Well, we soon learned that "gifted" kids were not anymore "angelic" and Brooke has to deal with and experience a lot more than any 11 year old should have to! (She is still getting straight "A's" -Maddie and Spencer are also doing very well too!). Brooke has no real friends at school because her standards are much higher and she doesn't "fit in". It makes her feel lonely and it breaks my heart. Ok, now to the part of how God has recently poured out His blessing upon this family!! Over the last couple of months we have seen God answer prayers and give us things we have been praying for-for YEARS! First, He has given us favor and lined everything up for all three of the kids to get a scholarship to attend a Christian School (of OUR choice!) next year!! Second, God answered our cry for medical insurance for me. We have been believing God for a healing but we trust that He knows what is best and He has chosen to heal me through modern medicine. Doctors told me (years ago)to get on "medicare" so that I can have the surgeries and treatments that I need. It took three years but God lined everything up and gave me favor! He also gave me favor in getting a Medicare supplement that will cover ALL of my copays!! It is my plan to get healthy and get off of it and get back to my photography business.God is good! Blessing #3 is that God provided the money to pay off almost all of our debts!! By the end of the year we will only owe on our house and car.We had doctor's bills, my camera and photography equipment($$$$$$), my laptop (I "worked" from bed-editing pics),my bed($$$$) (LOVE it! Dormia adjustable bed), the desk top computer................ALL paid off-this month! I truly believe that we are coming into a new season in our lives and that a complete breakthrough is on the way!

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