Friday, July 31, 2009


Last night I attended a funeral. The ex wife of one of my cousins died at the age of 41. In my family, once you are are ALWAYS family (TRUST me on this one!! I have to deal with this fact with a few old boyfriends that became "part of the family" one can just let it go already!) Anyhoo-No one wants to go to a funeral...but I am glad that I did. The church was packed to overflowing with our family and her friends. I have to be very careful how I word what I am about to bare with me please. As I sat in the church last night, and I looked heart became broken for the lost souls that were there. I saw the tears that they cried for the loss of their loved one and I became burdened for them. Part of me knew that they were not just crying because of their loss....but also because the realization that they are headed down the very same path that ultimately buried their friend. Unfortunately, I did not get to stay for the entire funeral, but in my heart I was hoping that there would be a call for repentance within the service. I have heard so many people speak as though "she got what she deserved"....and the truth is, I may have felt that way at one time too. But God has softened my heart and I can see that someone who lives with addiction, lives a life pain. They use, whatever it is that they use, to escape the pain. I have been blessed, sheltered really. I have never been in the shoes of an addict, but everyone has experienced pain and hurt. Can't we try to look beyond the addiction and see the pain?

Being at the funeral and seeing all the lost souls gave me a new burden for the lost. A new urgency to do all that I can do to snatch their souls from the grips of Satan and keep them from an eternity of torment in Hell.

If any of my readers would like to contact me, my email address is please do not hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions about where YOU stand with God. None of us are promised tomorrow-but you can have the security of KNOWING where you will spend eternity!

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