Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today, Carol (my friend from high school) came over to my house to have coffee with me. We had such a great time-she is a lot of fun to be with! The rest of the day I did not have too much else to do......but managed to stay busy ( ?-how does THAT work?!). Tonight I started editing the pictures I took at Pioneer village-I was supposed to have them edited by last week-oops! Maddie's teacher requested copies of them-so I need to finish them up and put them on disc for her. Tomorrow is gonna be NUTS! I am going to wake up early (5:55 am) to go for a walk, then I have to take Maddie and Brooke to school, take Bubba to the doctor,take him to school-then turn around 2 hours later and pick the kids up early to take them all to the dentist! I am tired just thinking about it!

I am recommitted to my weight loss ( NOT as committed as YOU Carol!-you are a woman on a mission!) -it has stalled since my last 4.6 lb loss! At least I did not GAIN...amazing considering all that I have cheated! Anyhoo...tomorrow is a brand new day and I shall begin again! I have kinda been doing my own version of WW "Core"-which basically means (WHEN I have been being "good") I have been limiting myself to "whole foods"-except my beloved "Fiber One Chocolate/ Oat bar for breakfast...I just can't give it up! So...I begin again! I'd really like to make "goal" by January...we'll see!


Jennie said...

I'd love to go see this place. Where exactly is it?

Sherri Walker-McCann said...

It is in Dade city. I think it was called Pioneer village or museum. It was a really neat was like being on the "Little House" set! I went with Maddie's class on a field trip-I had never heard of it before!