Thursday, July 24, 2008

we're back

We got back last night-we had sooo much fun this trip! I think it was the most fun I have ever had at the springs! Yesterday we spent the entire day out there and for most of the day we had the whole spring to ourselves (me and Allie and the 9 kids!). We played a game that the kids made up earlier in the summer-this trip, I got in on it too! I was unbeatable! :) One match I even took on ALL the kids by myself and I still won! I am very competitive and at one point-I even tackled my own children! Brooke and Bubba tried to take away my team's "treasure" and I was not about to let that happen! We all survived. I did a lot of stuff that I know I shouldn't do...knowing that my surgery date is approaching has caused me to be a bit of a "daredevil". I guess since I know that I am getting the surgery-I know that I can't really do any more damage to my spine and knowing that I will not be able to do all that fun stuff for a loooong time-if ever- has made me want to do everything I can do now!

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