Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An emotional morning

This morning has already been a roller coaster of emotions! First, I was all set to head out the door for my weekly grocery store trip and the phone rang. The caller ID said it was the school-THAT is never good! (well, once I guess it was-a teacher called to tell me what an amazing student our child was) It was Spencer's speech therapist wanting to know if I was going to show up for his IEP (individual educational plan-it is a yearly planning meeting for kids with disabilities)meeting! I thought that it was NEXT Wednesday & the whole team was sitting there waiting for me! Ok-I am in a panic at this point-so I run out the door and head to the school. I have never made it through an IEP meeting without having a complete breakdown and looking like a fool in front of the teachers, doctors and therapists!(Once I even had all of them crying too!) Today was no different. It is really hard to hear some of the things discussed at the meetings. No one wants to hear what is wrong with their child, even when that is what it takes to make a plan. He is doing well, but he is struggling with the "auditory processing disorder" and because he is on a high reading level, he is not able to process all that he is reading. He has special equipment that he needs to be able to hear the teacher clearly (an FM system-which ia a system where the teacher uses a microphone that transmits to a special hearing aid), he gets speech tx twice a week and he also has a "deaf and hard of hearing" resource teacher come in and work one on one with him, but because we are putting the kids in private school next year, I knew that he would be losing the resources he gets at his current school. I was all set to go and "fight" for his rights and try to keep the resources that I felt were an absolute necessity for his success. I was relieved when I found out that his "DHH" resource teacher was "fighting" for the same thing! She is applying for him to get his FM trainer sent to the new school. That is a huge answer to prayer! I know that it is going to take a miracle for it to happen but that is what I am going to believe for! The other resources he gets now we can get for him outside the school system (and if we choose, we can have him transported between the 2 schools for the speech therapy). They mentioned that Spencer may need "occupational therapy" in the meeting today. This is the first time I have heard this concern. I guess they are concerned about the way he holds his pencil and some other observations. They are going to have him evaluated in school and see what the therapist says. Anyways, it has been an emotional morning-I pray the rest of my day goes better!

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